Although there will not be a Saturday Workshop Challenge in January, the subject of February 23rd's Workshop Challenge is FAR DESTINATION FANTASY, a drift into our imaginations about a distant, exotic place in time or space or story. Are the colors cool or warm? What shapes dominate this place? What symbols and subjects and architecture abound here? What is the story line? I googled exotic destinations just to see what came up...good beginnings, but just beginnings.
We'll be learning about image transfers (yes, Virginia, Sheila can do image transfers!), layering, and trying out different gel and soft, matt and glossy mediums. We will begin with a pre-gessoed hard book cover (several sizes to choose from provided). The small class size (4-6 plus me) allows for plenty of investigation and discovery. Remember, the studio has an abundance of magazines, found and altered papers, coloring mediums, and stamping and inking tools. You are invited to bring your own favorite collage tools, or come empty won't leave empty-handed!
Looking forward to a day of collaging with you!